Lei Xi
Principle Investigator
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Southern University of Science and Technology
2003~2007, B. S. in College of Optoelectronics Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
2008~2010, M. S. in Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida, United State
2010~2012, Ph. D. in Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida, United State
Working Experience
2018.2~ Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
2014.11~2018.01 Professor, School of Physical Electronics, UESTC
2013.1~2014.10 Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida
Honors and Awards
2020, Outstanding Young Scholars of National Science Foundation of China
2018, Academic and Technical Leaders in Sichuan Province 2018, Shenzhen Local Leader Talent 2017, 100 Talents Plan at the University of Electrical Science and Technology of China,
2016, Hi-Tech Talent at Chengdu 2012, Outstanding Research Achievement at the University of Florida
Representative Publications
1. Heng Guo#, Qian Chen#, Wei Qin, Weizhi Qi, Lei Xi*, “Detachable head-mounted photoacoustic microscope in freely moving mice”, Optics Letters, 46, 6055-6058, 2021.
2. Tian Jin#, Weizhi Qi#, Xiao Liang, Heng Guo, Quanying Liu*, Lei Xi*, “Photoacoustic imaging of brain functions: wide field-of-view functional imaging with high spatiotemporal resolution”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1002/lpor.202100304, 2021.
3. Wei Qin#, Qi Gan#, Lei Yang#, Yongchao Wang, Weizhi Qi, Bowen Ke*, Lei Xi*, “High-resolution in vivo imaging of rhesus cerebral cortex with ultrafast portable photoacoustic microscopy”, NeuroImage, 238, 118260, 2021.
4. Qian Chen, Heng Guo, Tian Jin, Weizhi Qi, Huikai Xie, Lei Xi*, “Ultracompact high-resolution photoacoustic microscopy” Optics Letters, 43(7), 1615-1618, 2018.
5. Tian Jin, Heng Guo, Huabei Jiang, Bowen Ke, Lei Xi*, “Portable optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy (pORPAM) for human oral imaging” Optics Letters, 42(21), 4434-4437, 2017.